Add Pods user meta fields to the New User form
If your PODS solution is extending the User meta fields then this snippet is for you! When adding a new user, by default you would not see any of the new User fields. This snippet permits the meta fields to be available when adding a new User. <?php...Allow Pods Templates to use shortcodes
This must be added to wp-config.php. /* PODS & Divi */define(‘PODS_SHORTCODE_ALLOW_SUB_SHORTCODES’,true);define(‘PODS_SHORTCODE_ALLOW_EVALUATE_TAGS’,true); Then add this snippet to the functions.php file of your child theme or feature...UM Show password toggle on forms
Can’t remember what you have typed? This snippet add a show password toggle on UM forms /*———————————————————-*/ /* UM Show password toggle on forms...Remove the register link from wp-login.php
On a membership site you may not wish members to self register.